Saturday, June 1, 2013

SWEETS! (*゚.゚)(゚.゚*)

スウィーツ… 女の子の友… は~ん、思い出すだけで食べたくなってきた…
(まぁ…そこまで糖分とってないけどね… 普通に死ぬでしょうw)
アメリカのおやつはめっちゃ甘いからです。砂糖多い!!w 普段はフルーツとかを代わりに食べてますw。やっぱり日本の砂糖控えめのおやつ最高!
でも、ボストンでは探せば美味しいっと思ったケーキ屋さんとかもありました!ここにちょっと載せておきます… エヘヘ…

Desserts!! Sweets!! <3 <3 <3
Probably the one similarity I have with Gintoki, the main character of Gintama lol (Though... I don't consume nearly as much sugar as he does... one would probably die lol)
I don't really eat too much dessert since I gain weight REALLY easily... hehe but I love dessert!
The main problem for me is that often times, I find dessert in the states too sweet... However, I have found some yummy dessert places in Boston!! Here are a few of them! ^o^

先ずはこちら、Kickass Cupcakes in Davis Square!ここは面白いカップケーキの味がいろいろあります!まほのお気に入りはsストロベリーマルゲリータっとゆうピンクのケーキです!一度試してみたいのはラッキーっとゆうレモンケーキとホワイトチョコクリームとジンジャーの味が混ざったものです!ラッキーケーキは運勢が書かれた札付きだそうです!可愛い!!!エヘヘ…

This is Kickass Cupcakes in Davis Square! My friend introduced me to this place and it is adorable! They have very unique and interesting flavors for their cakes, my favorite being Strawberry Margarita!  But it is sweet lol, so I prefer it with a cup of tea! Yummy! ^^

こちらはギリシャ風スウィーツの Athan's Bakery っとゆうところです!ケーキ美味しいです!
( ^‐^)_且~~
 This is Athan's Bakery in Brighton, MA! They are a Greek Bakery with delicious cakes!!! My favorite is their fig cake... <3 I think that their chocolate cakes might be a little too much for me, but their Black Forest Cake is also very light and yummy! I also think that if you have cake, YOU MUST HAVE TEA!! hehe
Of course the sweets are tasty, but the atmosphere of the bakery is what I love the most. It is very open, spacious, and bright! I feel very comfortable and relaxed when I come here. Definitely one of my favorite places to meet with friends! ^_^

ここは日本人経営の ジャポネーゼです!英語だと Japonaise Bakery っとゆう日本・フランススタイルのパン屋さんです!
 This is the Japonaise Bakery! There are currently 3 locations in MA: one on Beacon Street, one on Commonwealth near BU, and one in Porter Square! Their pastries are very familiar to Japanese people including Shoku Pan, An Pan, Melon Pan, and Choco Cornet. The top picture is the Ichigo Cream! This is very popular!! It is a croissant with strawberries and custard cream filling, dusted with powdered sugar.. <3 ^o^ The bottom picture is a sample of their cakes! You can purchase cakes by the whole or the slice. My favorite is probably the Strawberry Shortcake!! No icing, just freshly whipped cream!! Yum!!!

最後にこれは台湾の Boba Tea です!
ボストンは Boba Tea ちょー人気です!
昨日は KungFu Tea っとゆうニューヨークのお店で抹茶 Boba Tea を試してみたら、これも美味しかった!タピオカ・ラブ!\(^▽^*)

Lastly, this is Boba Tea!! 
Last week, I went to eat dim sum with my friends and we stopped by on the way home. 
There are so many Boba Tea locations in Boston!! My favorite is milk tea! Although, yesterday, I went to KungFu Tea in Allston and tried their Matcha Tea with bubbles... mmmmmm.... that was lovely~! I <3 Boba Tea! 

 最後にこちらは 「マックスブレナー」、チョコレートをメインにしてるお店です!色々なデザートがあり、ほとんどは一人用ではなく、シェアようです。チョコレートのフォンデュとかアイスクリーム、種類は様々で迷います!普通にディナーもあるのでデートにはいい場所です!

This is Max Brenner in Back Bay, Boston! They specialize in chocolates and desserts like fondue, ice cream, shakes, and more! Most of their items are for you to share, rather than dive in by yourself (lol). They also have a dinner menu so it's a lovely place to go on a date! The first time I walked in, I was hit with a strong scent of chocolate and lavishly decorated walls! Kind of like a grown-up version of Wonka's chocolate factory! hehe

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