にゃ~にゃ~… Meoooooow... ^o^; |
Halloween 2012!
I had work that day (delightfully at a chocolate store) so I didn't really get to dress up until later, BUT! My school had a little Halloween party and so I was able to stop by and see some of my friends! So interesting to see a music school's dance party! It's like seeing a teacher shopping at a grocery store... you don't expect to see anyone dancing to Rhianna or out of a practice room (lol) but it was a lot of fun!!
2012年のハロウィンはバイトであまり遊べなかったけど、学校でパーティをやってたのでお友達と合うことができました!面白かったです!音楽学校だとあまりみんなが踊ったりするの想像つかなくって、そのギャップがいい!w 練習室以外の場所で合うのもとても楽しいです!^^
My friend from work, Von, dressed up as Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty! It was awesome!!!
My friends from school, Isabella and David! Isabella was Loki and I think David was a cameraman? I'm not sure lol but it's always nice to see these two! I <3 them!
AHHHHHHHHHH!!! (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚) キャーーー!!!
A GHOST! ∑(O_O;) お化け!!!
So... this is how I spent my Halloween... lol
But I had a lot of fun!
Can't wait until next Halloween!!! ^o^
まぁ… こうゆう感じでハロウィンを過ごしました…w
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