Friday, May 31, 2013

Video Game Orchestra in Boston!

Video Game Orchestra, VGO is a rock band + orchestra collaboration originating in Boston with Shota Nakama, the producer, orchestrator, and guitarist for the group. I had heard of VGO and had seen some of their videos online and on YouTube. My previous band, Select Start had performed at similar venues in the past, but I had never met them before, so I decided to shoot Mr. Nakama an email saying hello and wondering if I could play with them sometime. I didn't really expect to hear back, since I had emailed Eminence Orchestra in the past with no reply, but to my super pleasant surprise, he emailed me back within 2 hours!! O.O The next day, he was going to be in the Harvard area and suggested that we meet somewhere to chat.
ヴィデオゲームオーケストラ、VGOはボストンで活動を中心としてるオケです。まほはYouTubeとかで拝見したことがあったけど、実際に見たことがなく非常に興味を持っていました。Select Start も演奏した MAGFest とかで名前を聞き、ボストンに引越すんだったら、メールを送ってみようかなって軽いノリでメールしました。Eminence にも一度メールを送って見たら返事がなかったのであまり期待しなかったけど、びっくり!2時間以内にVGOの生みの親、仲間将太さんから返事が来ました!早っ!∑(O_O;)Shock!!

At first, I was nervous to speak with him. There are not many Japanese people in Florida and so I was worried that my conversation skills would not be adequate! I didn't know if he spoke English well or not so I could not rely on that and kept worrying about whether or not we could have good conversation at all!
初めは緊張しました。フロリダ州ではほとんど日本人がいないので何となくしゃべるのが怖かったです。「変な日本語喋ったらどうしよう…」っとか 「会話が止まったらどうしょう…」っとか色々心配しながら会いました。(~-~;)ヾ(-_-;) オイオイ...

But when I did meet him, he was not a scary person but a very peculiar individual. He seemed to have his own world around him at all times and even while talking to him, I wasn't sure whether or not he was bored or just in thought half of the time. But despite being 6 years older than me, I felt like I was conversing with a colleague. He has a very relaxed way about him that can be comfortable if one gets used to it lol.

The first time we spoke, he said some pretty rude things to me. The one that I remember the most clearly is when I told him that if he ever needs a flute player, I would love to play and he replied, "There are too many flute players, I never need flute players. Even if I had one, you can't hear it anyways."
結構失礼なこともズバッと言われたりしました。「もしフルートが必要でしたら教えてね!」っと言ったら彼はこう言いました 「フルートは要らないでしょう。いっぱいいるし… いても聞こえないし。」

―(T_T)→ サクッ


I was quite irked but then I thought, well, he is entitled to his opinions. I don't have to like him. Since then, I have never once thought that I wanted to play with VGO. I want to 1-up them! RAWR!
Thinking these thoughts, I simply smiled and continued our chat in a different direction.
でもまぁ… いいや… この人の思ってることなんて… っと思いもう一緒に演奏したいなんて思ったこと一度もないですw。「ヤローふざけるなよ」っと思いながらニコッリっと笑うまほでした。
( ・_・)⌒°=θ☆( >_<) パコ

 People = Flute Players

Despite some moments, talking to Shota was amusing! We chatted for about 4 hours over Japanese pasties, coffee, and ramen! I soon discovered that Boston has MANY cash only places! I never carry cash!!! lol Lesson learned. hehe
でも会話は結構楽しかったので4時間一緒にコーヒー飲んだりラーメンを食べました。Cash Only がこんなに多いなんて… さすがボストン!お金が足りなくなったのでちょっとおごってもらっちゃいました… エヘヘ… 会ったあと、もっとこの人のこと知りたいかも?っと思った!

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